Every consumer product begins as an idea and evolves through multiple stages before reaching store shelves. Product development bridges the gap between concept and production, transforming design files into physical samples and refining them through iterative improvements. Product developers play a crucial role in this process, balancing the needs of designers, manufacturers, brands, and consumers.
AI is integrated into Threadline's workflows - at the points that make the most impact.
Eagle Eyes
Real-Time Error Detection
As files are shared, small mistakes that are easily missed by humans are detected by Threadline.

Your Smartest Coworker
As questions are raised in conversations, Threadline Intelligence automatically finds the most relevant trials or previous products to bring you an answer immediately.
Say goodbye to Document_7_v2_NEW_Revised_OLD
As you work and save your progress, Threadline automatically classifies, names, dates and stores your files.
Threadline is turning product life management on it's head.
Experience the results of centralised, structured data and insights, without the pain of repeated manual data logging.